Dr. McGuinness talks to local alumni and parents at reception.
Two dozen BC alumni and parents gathered in La Jolla Sunday, October 27, to meet and listen to Dr. Thomas McGuinness, head of counseling services at the University.
While emphasizing that the large majority of BC students are happy and successful, Dr. McGuinness told the gathering that the number of students seeking counseling and psychiatric services from his office, which has about a dozen psychologists and psychiatrists, was significant . . . and increasing.
Tom said much attention in his field is being paid to the issue of “resiliency,” the ability of an individual to meet and manage adversity, among young adults such as those at BC. Many individual and social factors are involved, including parental practices, legal prescriptions, and technology, which makes an effort to increase personal resiliency very complicated and difficult.
His presentation was followed by questions, answers, and discussion, particularly from parents attending. Tom was in San Diego to attend the annual conference of the Association for University and College Counseling Center Directors, at the Sheraton on Harbor Island. He was joined at the event by another conference attendee, a long-time friend and colleague, Dr. Ed Hattauer ’68, head of counseling at St. John’s University, New York.
Wendy ’85 and Ken ’85 Roos, also parents of a member of the Class of 2016, hosted the event on the rooftop deck of their home in La Jolla. The Rooses added a “hometown” touch by catering the event through Bite of Boston, a San Diego chain offering New England-style subs, lobster rolls, fried clams (with bellies), and other treats.

Dr. Thomas McGuinness, at right, with hosts and BC Alumni San Diego board members (from left) Bill McDonald ’68; Ken Roos ’85, P’16; Wendy Roos ’85, P’16; and Lissa Tsu ’00.
The BC Alumni San Diego chapter presented Dr. McGuinness with a token of appreciation to place in his office and a sampler box of See’s dark chocolates. The chapter hopes to attract other BC administrators and faculty members to such gatherings during their visits to San Diego or participation in conferences and events here. If you know of any coming up, please let us know!